Wednesday, December 29, 2010

More little projects…

Well now it’s after Christmas and my sister has her strap I can post pictures. And now is when I realize that the only picture I took off it was with my phone…bummer. Maybe I’ll get lucky and she’ll send me more pics ;)


For this one I decided to add a lens cap holder. That’s the extra piece of colorful fabric on the end you can see-on the green back. It’s gathered a little and got some elastic so it’s easy to put the cap in and then fit your fingers to get it out. The cap was just slightly wider than the strap itself so that’s why I had to make it extra big and gather it. I made it up-and I think it worked out really well for my first one! No more losing that cap in a random pocket or somewhere worse!

She had forgotten I was making these, so she was completely surprised at Christmas :) Perfect :)

I knew my mother in law would like a strap too, but she doesn’t have a camera with a strap like this. She wanted one for her camera case but I wasn’t able to get the measurements for it before the trip.  She sent her strap home with me so I could finish her gift.


This is her well used strap. I decided to not only make a cover, but replace the strap itself…

I just got some new strap and the two clips from Joanns, and sewed it together. I could have re-used the old clips-they were just fine. I was worried though that for some reason I wouldn’t be able to sew it together right, and then I would be out of a strap because I cut the old one apart…so the old one is still whole.


Because this was a strap for the case instead of the camera, it is about twice as long. I was worried about it slipping, so I made just a tiny stitch on each end to hold it in place. That way it will stay, but is also possible to remove if necessary.  I am happy with how it turned out. I thought about making it a little narrower, but I was afraid I couldn’t turn it right side out-and there would be less of the cute fabric!


Hope she likes it!! It’s all ready to make it’s trip to Idaho via USPS.

1 comment:

  1. You're amazing! I'm so super envious of people that can make patterns up and really know how to use their machines! These are so cute.
